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Harbinger of Books

We all have different hobbies in life but my absolute favorite thing to do is pick up a book. This blog is dedicated to all of my ramblings. 

Dawn's 2013-books book montage

Deadly Desire
Mark of the Demon
The Hour of Dust and Ashes
Fate's Edge
Changeling Moon
A Kingdom of Dreams
Kiss of Pride
Thief of Shadows
Grave Memory
Archangel's Storm
The Power of Habit: Why We Do What We Do in Life and Business
A Kiss Before the Apocalypse
Frost Burned
Touch of the Demon
Summoning the Night
The End of the Affair
A Blood Seduction
A Werewolf in Manhattan
Last Kiss Goodnight
The Chief

Dawn's favorite books »
Changeling Moon - Dani Harper Changeling Moon is a typical shifter romance story and I think it was rather well done. The story begins with Zoey who is on the run from her past. She is a journalist and a psychic who seems to get a sense of things after the fact, this works great for her investigative writing skills but personally it torments her. In an effort to live life a bit easier she moves to a small town where she takes over as the editor of a small newspaper. Life is going along well until the night she is attacked by a wolf. Zoey cannot fight off the wolf alone so enter Connor (our hero) to help save the day. Connor is a changeling and a vet, he recognizes the wolf as another changeling and chases him off. Now Connor wants to focus on getting to know Zoey but life in this small town just got a whole lot more complicated.

The plot for this story is well known and almost over done but and this is a big BUT I really enjoyed the authors turn of events. Her writing is good and the characters are solid. I loved Connor, I know small country vets and the depictions of their life were almost dead on. I liked Zoey as well she seemed to take to take things in stride, I mean there were a few angsty moments but for the most part she did not suffer from wo is me. I also loved the fact this story did not include the who dominance games, just really good friends and family.

The downside to this story is the love scenes kind of sucks and while you get a sense of friendship and comfort it did not feel as passionate as I would have liked. The other issue I had is I wanted to the bad guy to be bad you know – instead he was just crazy. Last issue was the price, while I enjoyed this and thought the writing was solid not sure I would pay $13 bucks for it but that is just me.