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Harbinger of Books

We all have different hobbies in life but my absolute favorite thing to do is pick up a book. This blog is dedicated to all of my ramblings. 

Dawn's 2013-books book montage

Deadly Desire
Mark of the Demon
The Hour of Dust and Ashes
Fate's Edge
Changeling Moon
A Kingdom of Dreams
Kiss of Pride
Thief of Shadows
Grave Memory
Archangel's Storm
The Power of Habit: Why We Do What We Do in Life and Business
A Kiss Before the Apocalypse
Frost Burned
Touch of the Demon
Summoning the Night
The End of the Affair
A Blood Seduction
A Werewolf in Manhattan
Last Kiss Goodnight
The Chief

Dawn's favorite books »
Prince of Wolves - Susan Krinard This is a total romance story where we have two people who have a lot of fear but come together to eventually understand and appreciate love.

When I saw eventually I really mean it this book moves super slow. There is a lot of sexual tension and not much else for like 200+ pages. One downside about the book is you really do not get a lot of depth for their motives. I guess the author is trying to draw you into the story but honestly my eyes kind of glazed over for a bit. I have to also say that the way their relationship began really was a downer he wanted to use her she wanted to use him…it was wacky and not at all fun to read…depressing really.

The one thing I did find interesting in the story was the imagery. Throughout the story the bit of understanding we do get is through he wolf. It was interesting how the author uses the wolf to expose human nature meaning our pleasures and our fears (dominance and submission). While the characters are vague they are still interesting and it does all come together.

BUT the story is super slow and I think we could have easily cut out 150 pages hence the three stars.