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Harbinger of Books

We all have different hobbies in life but my absolute favorite thing to do is pick up a book. This blog is dedicated to all of my ramblings. 

Dawn's 2013-books book montage

Deadly Desire
Mark of the Demon
The Hour of Dust and Ashes
Fate's Edge
Changeling Moon
A Kingdom of Dreams
Kiss of Pride
Thief of Shadows
Grave Memory
Archangel's Storm
The Power of Habit: Why We Do What We Do in Life and Business
A Kiss Before the Apocalypse
Frost Burned
Touch of the Demon
Summoning the Night
The End of the Affair
A Blood Seduction
A Werewolf in Manhattan
Last Kiss Goodnight
The Chief

Dawn's favorite books ยป

A mini review

The Magical Christmas Cat (Breeds, #17; Murphy Sisters, #2; Psy-Changeling, #3.5) - Lora Leigh, Erin McCarthy, Nalini Singh, Linda Winstead Jones

I only read two stories out of this book


"Stroke of Enticement" by Nalini Singh

This is the first story I have ever read in the Psy-Changeling series where we have a human and changeling match and you know what I loved it!! As a child Annie is in an accident that almost takes her life but she does not walk away completely unscared. Now she lives with a limp that often causes her pain but for the most part Annie is at peace with her life. Until the day Zach walks into her classroom and changes Annie’s world forever.


Only Nalini Singh can write a short story that leave you just as satisfied as if you had read the whole novel. I may be biased because Zach is my favorite kind of hero – handsome, charming, quick wit, funny and protective – sigh what is not to love lol.


5 stars

"Christmas Heat" by Lora Leigh

Haley is in danger because she has overheard some information about the people plotting against the Breeds. Even though the Breeds are trying to protect her people around her have been hurt  and now Haley is trying to protect everyone she cares about including Noble, a Jaguar Breed. Noble on the other hand has always known that Haley is his mate but Noble wants Haley to want him because of him and not the heat. But as the danger against Haley grows his instincts take over and now all bets are off.


It is a good story, but it feels like we just get a lot of cameo’s from other characters which for me took away from the story. The other issue for me was  the sex got to be a bit much in some parts. Then the action scene seemed a bit anticlimactic. In the end it was a good story but it does feel like a novella.


3 ½ stars